Lodge Jamrud



If you want to be part of a unique world-wide charitable organisation and live or work within easy reach of central London, please consider joining Lodge Jamrud. There are over a thousand Lodges that meet in London – some specifically for members of certain professions or City organisations – in essence each Lodge is the same, it is the warmth, fellowship and friendship that differentiate one Lodge from another. At Lodge Jamrud, we have members from a range of backgrounds and differing ages.

New Members

If you think Freemasonry may be right for you, please contact us to arrange an informal chat and also consider visiting Freemasons’ Hall. We are happy to welcome prospective candidates, so if you are seriously considering joining Freemasonry we would be pleased to meet you and answer any questions you may have about us or Freemasonry in general.

Joining Members

If you are an existing Freemason who is looking for a London Lodge with good Emulation workings and wish to join Lodge Jamrud, you can be sure of a warm welcome. Please contact the Lodge Secretary and come along to some of our friendly meetings.

Visiting Members

Members of Metropolitan, Provincial, District or Overseas Masonic Lodges in good standing with the United Grand Lodge of England will be most welcome to attend any of our Emulation-based meetings. The dining fee is around £65. There is no need for an invitation, just contact the Lodge Secretary for details. We look forward to meeting you.


Recovery for stroke patients in Ealing

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Young people at risk of exclusion offered helping hand by SkyWay

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St John Ambulance train 12000 young responders with help from London Freemasons

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